"Underwater Boy"
Production code:
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Broadcast Information
Disney Channel premiere:
October 1, 2010
Disney Channel (UK) premiere:
- "Unless it's an away game, like the one at the Gecko tank today. Hu-hu! It's burning hot in the Gecko tank. Wouldn't last long there without a water boy."
- ―Headphone Joe
Milo begins to envy the athletes and tries out for the football team hoping to claim their glory, but he gets the lamest part of all: water boy.
"And that, Milo, is how you play football. Got it?"[edit | edit source]
In Freshwater High, Milo presents his hat of Mini-Colors, but none of the other students are paying attention. Milo asks the other students what they think about it, as he thinks that it was a pretty awesome entrance. Finberley asks Milo what he was talking about, as she, Koi and Albert were talking about how funny the word "allergy" sounds. Some students start playing trumpets, and Finberley yells out "Oh, my gosh, its the football team!". Milo questions what she just said, and then Coach Salmons rolls into the building, tearing through a banner with the team logo on which cheerleaders are holding, and announces that she proudly presents Freshwater High's Fighting Fish Hooks. Finberley screams, while Milo looks on. The football team tear through the banner, and charge towards Milo, flipping him into the air, before somersaulting several times and falling to the floor. As the Freshwater High Marching Band swim playing their instruments, Jocktopus crashes through the building, on a raft being carried by students. He holds the trophy and announces he is the team MVP, and that he will sign autographs. Fish act as stairs for Jocktopus, and as he climbs down them, he is unaware that Milo is lying infront of the 'stairs', and his suckers mark pink spots all over him while he swims over him. Jocktopus asks who's first for autographs, and Dan and Ann Chovie yell out that they want autographs. Despite holding out a notepad for their autographs, Jocktopus draws a hook down their faces. Finberley yells for her autograph, and again, Jocktopus draws a hook down her face. Milo weakly shouts for Oscar, and he swims upto Milo, carrying a book on Marine Life. Milo tells Oscar that he's just had a major life-changing realization. Oscar says to not tell him if it has anything to do with joining the football team. Milo looks around and Oscar says "Oh, boy!". After school, Milo and Oscar knock on the door of Bea's tank. Bea opens the door dressed as a football player, and Milo and Oscar scream. Milo asks Bea what's wrong with her face, and Bea says that its football season. Bea says that she is wearing her superfan ensemble, which is really cute. She finishes by saying that purple and white are 'so' her colors. Milo and Oscar are relived, but then Bea yells "Football", and the two scream again. Bea yells "Bet you guys wish you was excited as I am", and Oscar says that it seems that Milo wanted to try out for football, but he doesn't know how to play. Milo says that he's just it in for the "Glaurrrrl". Bea is excited that she has a project. In Bea's tank, Bea asks Milo to tell her everything he knows about football. Milo says that you take the ball and run around in circles for a while while everyone cheers and then slamdunk it through the giant H, and then once you've scored a home run, you dance. Milo dances and raps "Dance", while Bea and Oscar look on, looking at each other. Bea tells Milo to hold it there, and tells herself that it's going to be a lot more work than she thought. Milo says no, because he's a quick learner. 4 hours later, however, Bea's room is a mess, and Bea says to Milo that that is how you play football. She asks Milo if he's got it, with Milo replying saying yes, and then asks "when do we dance?". At Freshwater High, tryouts are taking place for the next football season. Milo is lined up with the rest of the fish waiting in line, and Milo looks at the fish next to him and comments that at least he's not the smallest guy in line. Suddenly, the small fish puffs up, revealing that he is a blowfish. Coach Salmons blows his whistle and calls for Milo to show him what he's got. Milo "woos", and tells the blowfish, Christopher, to check out his mad skills. Milo swims over to the pitch, and then Christopher tells him that his name is Stephanie. Milo bounces the football, and then stops it, before hitting it with a tennis racket. Milo catches up with the football, which is flying through the water, and jumps onto it. Milo surfs on it, and then falls off after a while. Jocktopus yells that that's not how you play football. Coach Salmons tells Milo not to mind them, and that he should keep trying. Milo shouts "Eleven, Forty-thousand, nine and a quarter", before catching the ball with a baseball glove, jumping up to the bottom of the football goal posts, and holding onto it with the glove. Jocktopus says that that's not football, and that "Jocktopus angry". Milo dances, and Coach Salmons checks off his list, and comments about his moves and agility. Jocktopus says that that's not football, and Coach Salmons says that it's not, not in any way, shape or form, and that he couldn't be more thrilled.
Coach Salmons swims over to Milo and tells him that he's proud. Milo tells Coach Salmons that he has to admit that he's an unbelievably amazing athlete, and that he has a star on his hands. Coach Salmons shouts "I know, a star, water boy!" Jocktopus and his henchman laugh at Milo, who is now the team's water boy. Jocktopus says "Finally some Jockto-justice!" Milo questions his role, water boy, and says "Wait just a minute". And so, Coach Salmons and Milo float, staring (at us), for a few seconds. Milo says that water boy doesn't have to do anything, because the fish are already under water. Coach Salmons tells Milo to listen to him, as he saw something special in him out on the field and had a vision that being water boy is Milo's destiny. Milo "gnr gnr"s, and Coach Salmons wows Milo's talent and his winning smile, and tells Milo that that's a powerful package. Coach Salmons swims off, saying "See you at the game, water boy!" Milo says that he won't, because he quits. Later on, Milo is playing a video game when Oscar swims up to him and says that shouldn't he be at the game. Milo tells Oscar that they made him water boy, and he quit, because in that environment he would never get the attention he required. Oscar says that it's not about attention, because Milo made the team, and tells him that even though he's a water boy, he's still part of something huge. Milo says "The lame part", and Oscar yells "Nay, the equally important parts to all other parts!" Oscar shows Milo a pie chart to illustrate, and tells him to imagine if one part was taken away. Milo says that then it won't be a pie, and Oscar tells him neither is a team without a water boy, and takes the part of the chart with Milo on away. Milo realize that he's a part of something, and tells Oscar to hand him that pie. Oscar tells Milo that it's not a real pie, and that it's a symbolic chart. Milo tells Oscar twice to hand him the 'pie', and so Oscar gives it to him. Once in his fins, Milo immediately shoves it in his mouth and swallows it. Milo says that he knows now what he must do. Oscar says "Wow, well, OK!", and Milo leaves the tank. On the Freshwater High playing field, Milo swims onto it, with his water boy suit on, saying "Water boy reporting for - duty", and then realizes the field is empty. Headphone Joe arrives, who is sucking onto the field, sucking up the grass. Headphone Joe asks Milo if he made water boy, and tells him that it's so cool, because he hardly has to do anything, with the fish being underwater. Milo thanks Headphone Joe, and then Joe continues, saying that he doesn't have to do anything unless its an away game, like the one in the gecko tank that day. Joe tells Milo that it's burning hot in the gecko tank, and that the fish won't last long there without a water boy. Milo swims to the edge of the glass, and screams. The Geckoach comments that their old arch-rivals are arriving: The Freshwater Fish Hooks, and that they should be called the "Freshwater Fish Jerks". Another gecko laughs. The school bus pulls up and the door opens, making all of the water pour out. The cheerleaders jump out, and form a cheer-line. They sing the Freshwater High cheer, and form a sort-of cheer-pyramid, lifted by the lead cheerleader. The cheerleaders start gasping for air on the floor, and so do the other football players and cheerleaders. Back in the fish tanks, while Headphone Joe listens to music, Milo realizes that water boy is important. Milo swims to the top of the tank and stands on the edge of it, saying that his team needs him. The Geckoach says that it's too bad the fish cannot breathe, because the football game has already begun. The geckos score multiple times, and while that happens, Milo switches on his water boy suit and water sprays all over. He falls back because of the speed of the water, and then the water is sprayed in his face, making him fall back. He manages to get the water to spray downwards, so he is lifted up into the air. Back in the gecko tank, the Geckoach tells Coach Salmons not to despair, because the geckos have plenty of water. Unfortunately, the Geckoach tells Coach Salmons that if he wants the water, the team must forfeit.
Coach Salmons weakly says "Must! So thirsty!", but before he can forfeit, Milo calls, from a distance to him, yelling "Don't do it, Coach!". Milo then enters the tank, still with the spraying water holding him up. He lands on the floor of the gecko tank, and the Geckoach says "No it cannot be!" Milo then sprays water in the Geckoach's face and shouts that the water boy is back on duty. Milo sprays the Fighting Fish Hooks team with water, and then everyone is ready to play football. Every fish in the crowd cheers, while every gecko boos. Milo sprays the water around, which is good for the fish, but bad for the geckos, who end up sliding around. Milo does his best job, even spraying water for Jocktopus to swim on. Players line up for a "Hit me!", which is basically Milo throwing water on them. The fishes score higher than the geckos, and the cheerleaders cheer for Milo while in an inflatable pool. Some of the players jump in a pool of water to stay hydrated, while others take water showers. Jocktopus catches the football, while being attacked by several geckos. Jocktopus manages to get all the geckos off himself, and scores. Milo sprays him with water, and then the crowd. Shellsea asks Bea if she should grow out her bangs, or just leave them. Bea tells Shellsea that she is always jealous of her hair, and then shouts to the fish football players to tear the gecko's heads off, before continuing to say to Shellsea that she wouldn't do a thing. Shellsea "Girrrrl"s. Back on the pitch, Punt fights off the geckos, and due to the fish scoring so much, the score board explodes. The team "Yeah!", and the Geckoach yells that he will yell a time machine and make the Fighting Fish Hooks sorry. Jocktopus says that he has something to say to Milo - "Jocktopus". Milo thanks Jocktopus and then he is lifted up by other fish. The team cheers for Milo. Finberley tells Milo that he's the MVP and she asks for his autograph. Milo says that he is honored, and says that seriously, he's just one piece of a pie, and that he's so proud that he made the team a whole pie again. Milo then says that he owes all his fame to Coach Salmons, and yells "Let's here it for the best coach ever!". Milo pours a big bucket of water over Coach Salmons, and says "My goodness, my hair!". The team laughs, and then Bea asks "Wasn't that the last of the water". The whole team then falls over and start gasping for air. Breathlessly, Coach Salmons tries to yell "Milo!". In his tank, Oscar is playing video games. He then looks at us and tells us that he doesn't do football.
Snake wants to be a fish, but all the fish running away and screaming from Freshwater High.
The image gallery for Underwater Boy may be viewed here.
- This episode was watched in 3.94 million households in the US when it premiered on Disney Channel.
- This episode was released on Sky Anytime in the UK before it officially premiered on Disney Channel UK.
- It is unknown who dressed up as the Fighting Fish Hooks mascot in this episode, as Milo and Oscar are dressed up as it in "Mascotastrophe".
- This episode marks the first time Winnie Grouper speaks.
- When Bea yells "Football" at around 01:33 into the episode, there is a yellow stripe below her shirt. At 02:05, the stripe is orange.
- When the school bus pulls up in the gecko tank, there is no water next to the door, however in the next shot, there is.
- Also, the cheerleaders jump out of the bus, but don't jump out of the bus at all, they jump from somewhere off-screen.
- In one scene in the gecko tank, the head cheerleader's "F" on her shirt is reversed.