Two Clams in Love

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"Flying Fish"
"Two Clams in Love"
"Two Clams in Love"
Two Clams in Love.png
Season: 1
Production code: 114a
Broadcast number: 24
Story by:
Tim McKeon
Written & Storyboarded by:
Alex Hirsch
Directed by:
C.H. Greenblatt
William Reiss
Broadcast Information
Disney Channel premiere:
March 11, 2011
Disney Channel (UK) premiere:

When Clamantha's crush on Oscar begins to overwhelm him, he thinks his problems are solved when she develops a crush on his laptop, mistaking it for a fellow clam. When the battery starts to die, Clamantha is upset that her new boyfriend is ignoring her and Oscar must find a way to make things right.

Episode Summary[edit | edit source]

Credits[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Click here to view more images from Two Clams in Love.
The image gallery for Two Clams in Love may be viewed here.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

[Clamantha and Webster are on a cliff looking at the sunset.]
Clamantha: Webster, can I ask you a question?
Webster: Of course.
Clamantha: Why are there lasers on your face?
[Webster's display shows lasers which are shaped.]
Webster: Because I love you?
Clamantha: That makes so much sense!

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • When this episode premiered in the US, it was watched in 3.020 million households.

Voice Credits[edit | edit source]

Chelsea Kane as Bea
Kyle Massey as Milo
Justin Roiland as Oscar
John Caparulo as Headphone Joe
Smith Harrison as Webster
Alex Hirsch as Clamantha & Clamantha's Dad
Tiny Lister as Mr. Mussels
Kevin McDonald as Dr. Frog
Kimberley Mooney as Finberley
Richard Simmons as Coach Salmons
Dana Snyder as Bud & Clamantha's Mom

Goofs[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

"Two Clams in Love"
114 b:
Season 1 (iTunes volumes 1, 2, Season 1 and Disney Channel Monstober)
Bea Stays in the Picture | Fish Sleepover Party | Fish Out of Water | Doris Flores Gorgeous | Underwater Boy | Happy Birthfish, Jocktopus | Bea Becomes an Adult Fish | Doggonit | Queen Bea | Fail Fish | Funny Fish | Baldwin the Super Fish | Dances with Wolf Fish | Hooray for Hamsterwood | The Tale of Sir Oscar Fish | Milo Gets a Ninja | Dropsy! | Fishing for Compliments: The Albert Glass Story | Big Fish | The Dark Side of the Fish | Dollars and Fish | Fish Floaters | Flying Fish | Two Clams in Love | Peopleing | Legend of the Earth Troll | Parasite Fright | Pamela Hamster Returns | Riding in Cars with Fish | Milo's Big Idea | Mascotastrophe | Good Morning, Freshwater | Diary of a Lost Fish | We've Got Fish Spirit | Run, Oscar, Run | Good Times at PuPu Goodtimes | Oscar Makes an Impression | Fish School Musical | Employee Discount | Halloween Haul | Fish Talent Show