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Stumpy Stumps

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Stumpy "Moignon" Stumps
No Screenshot 2.png
Animal: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Age: Less than 15 (officially), probably from 7 until 12 years old
Height: Five and a half feet tall
Nationality: British-American
Hometown: Country-Too-Glutton
Born: July 21th, 1998
Professional Information
  The Stump
Friends and Family
Ursula (nicknamed "Dane A. Davis" or "Dana Davis")
Behind the Scenes
First appearance:
  Dances with a Wolf Fish/Milo Gets a Ninja
Voiced by:
Rick Marshall

Stumpy Stumps is a 15-year-old (officially) redhead squirrel who likes carrot, superhero comics and text message to Ursula (as "Dane A. Davis" or "Dana Davis").

Biography[edit | edit source]

Personal life[edit | edit source]

Appearances[edit | edit source]