Riding in Cars with Fish

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"Pamela Hamster Returns"
"Riding in Cars with Fish"
"Milo's Big Idea"
"Riding in Cars with Fish"
Riding in Cars with Fish.png
Season: 1
Production code: 116a
Broadcast number: 29
Broadcast Information
Disney Channel premiere:
June 18, 2011
Disney Channel (UK) premiere:

Oscar is confident he will pass his driving test, until Mr. Mussels and Coach Salmons show up as his driving instructors. They distract Oscar while he is driving and they all get lost. It's up to Oscar to not only save them from Wilford the cat, but to do it safely and to follow the rules of the road.

Episode Summary[edit | edit source]

Credits[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Click here to view more images from Riding in Cars with Fish.
The image gallery for Riding in Cars with Fish may be viewed here.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • This episode is the second new episode to have its debut outside of the United States; it premiered in Latin America on June 17, 2011.
  • This episode gathered 125,000 viewers on its United Kingdom premiere, according to BARB.

Goofs[edit | edit source]

  • There is a building across from the Fish DMV, however when Mr. Mussels, Coach Salmons and Oscar are looking in the DMV tank from outside the tanks, there isn't a building across from the DMV. There is also no building across from the DMV at the beginning of the episode during the view of the tanks.

External links[edit | edit source]

"Pamela Hamster Returns"
116 b:
"Milo's Big Idea"
Season 1 (iTunes volumes 1, 2, Season 1 and Disney Channel Monstober)
Bea Stays in the Picture | Fish Sleepover Party | Fish Out of Water | Doris Flores Gorgeous | Underwater Boy | Happy Birthfish, Jocktopus | Bea Becomes an Adult Fish | Doggonit | Queen Bea | Fail Fish | Funny Fish | Baldwin the Super Fish | Dances with Wolf Fish | Hooray for Hamsterwood | The Tale of Sir Oscar Fish | Milo Gets a Ninja | Dropsy! | Fishing for Compliments: The Albert Glass Story | Big Fish | The Dark Side of the Fish | Dollars and Fish | Fish Floaters | Flying Fish | Two Clams in Love | Peopleing | Legend of the Earth Troll | Parasite Fright | Pamela Hamster Returns | Riding in Cars with Fish | Milo's Big Idea | Mascotastrophe | Good Morning, Freshwater | Diary of a Lost Fish | We've Got Fish Spirit | Run, Oscar, Run | Good Times at PuPu Goodtimes | Oscar Makes an Impression | Fish School Musical | Employee Discount | Halloween Haul | Fish Talent Show