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Oonski the Grateful

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Milo reading Captain Aquarium.JPEG "What's this?"
This article contains information regarding unaired/recently released episode(s) and/or project(s). It may contain SPOILERS. Continue reading at your own risk.
"Oonski the Grateful"
"Blame It in the Crane Game"
"Oonski the Grateful"
Season: 1
Production code: 101
Broadcast number: 1
Written by:
Bradley Zweig
Directed by:
Sarah Cox
Broadcast Information
Disney Channel premiere:
October 26, 2014
Disney Channel (UK) premiere:
October 26, 2014

Oonski the Grateful is an episode in Breadwinners. No plot details have been released at this time.

Episode Summary[edit | edit source]

When Oonski is saved by Buhdeuce and SwaySway, he is a personal assistant.

Credits[edit | edit source]

SwaySway and Buhdeuce clean Oonski's feet.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Click here to view more images from Oonski the Grateful.
The image gallery for Oonski the Grateful may be viewed here.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

SwaySway: Please. Don't eat us. Buhdeuce: But if you must, start with the beaver first. Oonski: Hey! I'm a beaver!

Voice Credits[edit | edit source]

Robbie Daymond as SwaySway
Eric Bauza as Buhdeuce
Nolan North as Oonski
Max Mittelman as Cloud Monster

Goofs[edit | edit source]

  • Cloud Monsters live in clouds.

External links[edit | edit source]

Season 1 (iTunes volumes 1, 2, Season 1 and Disney Channel Monstober)
Bea Stays in the Picture | Fish Sleepover Party | Fish Out of Water | Doris Flores Gorgeous | Underwater Boy | Happy Birthfish, Jocktopus | Bea Becomes an Adult Fish | Doggonit | Queen Bea | Fail Fish | Funny Fish | Baldwin the Super Fish | Dances with Wolf Fish | Hooray for Hamsterwood | The Tale of Sir Oscar Fish | Milo Gets a Ninja | Dropsy! | Fishing for Compliments: The Albert Glass Story | Big Fish | The Dark Side of the Fish | Dollars and Fish | Fish Floaters | Flying Fish | Two Clams in Love | Peopleing | Legend of the Earth Troll | Parasite Fright | Pamela Hamster Returns | Riding in Cars with Fish | Milo's Big Idea | Mascotastrophe | Good Morning, Freshwater | Diary of a Lost Fish | We've Got Fish Spirit | Run, Oscar, Run | Good Times at PuPu Goodtimes | Oscar Makes an Impression | Fish School Musical | Employee Discount | Halloween Haul | Fish Talent Show