"Funny Fish"
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Broadcast Information
Disney Channel premiere:
November 27, 2010
Disney Channel (UK) premiere:
- "Oscar, I want to see you in my office...to tell you about the award ceremony...which I present to you with the most popular student award!"
- ―Principal Stickler
Oscar decides he should develop a better sense of humor since everyone else finds things funny when he doesn't. He starts laughing at everyone, including Jocktopus when he falls down in the hall.
The image gallery for Funny Fish may be viewed here.
- This episode was scheduled to air on Disney Channel US on November 27, 2010 schedule for Disney Channel US was released, the episode "Fail Fish" was paired with "Funny Fish". Underneath, it says that "Funny Fish" premiered November 27, 2010 Disney Channel US may have not noticed that the episode premiered 8 days after the written premiere.
- When Oscar turns around to find Jocktopus behind him, he continues laughing then stops. The laughter continues for a second after Oscar has closed his mouth and turned around.
- The trophy Oscar received for being the Most Popular Student had a statue of a man with a tennis racket on top of it.