Fish Prom

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Milo reading Captain Aquarium.JPEG "What's this?"
This article contains information regarding unaired/recently released episode(s) and/or project(s). It may contain SPOILERS. Continue reading at your own risk.
"Night at the Loxbury"
"Fish Prom"
"Milo vs. Milo"
"Principal Bea"
Double-length episodes
"Fish Prom"
Fish Prom.png
Season: 2
Production code: 221
Broadcast number:
Story by:
Maxwell Atoms
Derek Evanick
C.H. Greenblatt
Noah Z. Jones
Diana Lafyatis
William Reiss
Written & Storyboarded by:
Derek Evanick
Diana Lafyatis
Directed by:
C.H. Greenblatt
William Reiss
Broadcast Information
Disney Channel premiere:
May 17, 2013
Disney Channel (UK) premiere:

The students of Freshwater High prepare for their prom night. On the night, however, things don't go as well as expected when Angela pays more attention to her video games than Oscar, and when Bea's date Steve Jackson goes missing. Meanwhile, Milo and Randy have both taken guinea pigs to prom and they keep switching dates.

Episode Summary[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Freshwater High is excited for prom. Bea had been asked to the prom by Steve Jackson, Oscar had managed to get Angela to go with him to prom and Randy had persuaded Milo to take his guinea pig date's sister to the prom. Raska Boosh was invited.

At prom, Angela uses special head-gear to play a video game. Milo and Randy keep switching dates because Randy finds his boring. Steve Jackson goes to get Bea punch and then finds a spillage on the floor. He goes to get cleaning supplies but is locked inside of the cupboard. Raska talked to Steve Jackson for a few moments.

Oscar gets tired of Angela not paying attention to him, so he shuts her game off and tries to persuade her to dance with him. Raska causes trouble during the process. During the process, he accidentally calls her 'Bea', and she leaves, before telling Bea that Oscar's all hers. Meanwhile, Bea was upset because she had spilled punch all over her dress.

Milo and his date are voted Prom King and Queen, much to Bea's dismay. Finberley announces that the slow dance is starting, but Bea doesn't have a date; neither does Oscar. Raska was under arrested for causing trouble and Raska yells out he'll have vengeance. Bea goes to the Hokey Poke in tears to drown her sorrows, and Oscar follows her. They comfort each other, before they dance together. Bea kisses Oscar on the cheek, making it his 'best prom ever, which Ac says 'Sure it was. When one fish has fallen in love with another fish, they both sing a duet and this is definitely why we have performed one for the two fishes.' Then Teah tells Ac that this juice is pee, which Ac says 'Yeah well it is Teah. Really it is. Teah. Teah.' The episode ends with Ac then saying 'Thanks for coming out everyone. And enjoy the dance.' And the episode ends the same way Corey Riffin does in Grojband.

Credits[edit | edit source]

This, and "Fish School Musical", are the only episodes to not have Snake and Mouse in the credits tag.Angela is putting her new gaimng helmet away while jumbo is talking to himself about the loss about his robot girlfriend, they look at each other, hinting they will fall in love, meanwhile Steve Jackson is still trapped in a storage cupboard. Clamantha pushes the chairs away and opens the door. Steve thinks Clamantha is going to let him out, but instead, Clamantha goes into the cupboard and shuts the door behind her, however there was another verison of the credits where the animators replaced the cupboard and Clamantha with a picture slideshow for the Fish Prom special. First it shows Oscar and Bea continuing dancing, and then it shows a cake and then Beezy stares at it, and then it shows Brandon Bubbler dancing with Nicole, then it shows the Jimmy and Heloise watching each other together, and finally it ends the episode with only a picture that shows the Bea and Oscar sharing a special kiss.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Click here to view more images from Fish Prom.
The image gallery for Fish Prom may be viewed here.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

[Oscar has turned off Angela's video game.]
Oscar: I thought tonight was going to be the most special night of my life! And all I wanted was that one dance with you, Angela!
Angela: [shocked] Woah...Me? Well if you really want me to leave !
[Angela turns to leave.]
Oscar: Angela, wait!
Angela: I'm sure I can find someone else to dance with! I don't need Oscar anyway!
Oscar: Oh Dear.
[Shellsea is cleaning up Bea's dress.]
Shellsea: Here's what you do: [????????????]
[Angela comes up to Bea.]
Angela: He's all yours, Bea!
[She cries as she swims away]
Shellsea: Damn! Girl's had the taco-milkshake combo!
Bea: Yeah...I guess.

Notes[edit | edit source]

A poster for the episode given away at the San Diego Comic-Con.
  • A clip from this episode was also shown at San Diego Comic-Con 2012.
  • In the Fish Hooks video game, on Level 43, players have to help Clamantha get to the exit by moving the Prom decorations.
  • The first sneak peek of this episode was in a picture posted by a Fish Hooks Spanish dubber.
  • Clips from this episode appeared in Disney Channel Asia's VIP Party commercial, confirming that the episode premiered during the event on November 13, 2012. This episode did not premiere in Malaysia on November 13, 2012, as well as some other areas of Asia that did not have this episode on their listings. It is possible that Disney Channel Asia put "Fish Prom" clips in their commercial, but they did not air the episode. If this is true, then it will premiere in Asia on February 16, 2013 at 9:20am UAE time. "Fish Prom" premiered in Malaysia on December 8, 2012 at 11:03pm (local time).
  • David Shair, a storyboard revisionist, will voice a yet-to-be-named character in the episode.
  • A sneak peek of this episode was put on Disney Channel Asia's website - a clip of Fish Hooks to represent the show in the channel's Top 13 Countdown vote; the event was held on January 1, 2013. The clip showed the Freshwater High students performing Excited for Prom; the clip showed a shortened version of the song.
  • This episode will be available on demand in the United States from May 10, 2013 until June 16, 2013.

Bonus; When Avatar World; The Series released Fish Prom the following changes were made;

1. The song Excited For Prom was removed from the special.

2. The song Gettin' Ready for Prom was removed from the special

3. The line 'All I wanted was that one dance with you Bea.' was changed for the special to 'All I wanted was that one dance with you Angela.' replacing the word Bea with the word Angela.

4. Bea getting her dress covered in the fruit punch was changed for the special to which shows Ac squirting ketchup and mustard on Bea.

5. Angela says 'WOW' when she leaves but it was changed to some extra extra lines for the speical.

6. The line 'Bea whoa whoa whoa.' was changed for the special to 'Me. Well if you really want me to leave'

7. The line 'Whoa Whoa WOWEE WOW' was changed to 'I'm sure I can find someone else to dance with. I don't need Oscar anyway.'

8. The line 'Whoa' was changed for the special to 'Oh Dear'

9. The line 'Dang' was swapped right out and changed to 'Damn' adding in an extra swear in this Fish Prom special.

10. The line 'You've made tonight really special' was shortened to 'You've made tonight special'

11. Extra lines from Ac and Teah were simply added in Teah saying 'Looks like you've done it Ac.' and Ac saying then 'No Teah. We've done it.'

12. The ending between the Bea and Oscar was drawn out way longer like in the Avatar World episode. After Oscar says 'This is the best prom ever.' Ac says 'Sure it was. When one fish has fallen in love with another fish, they both sing a duet and this is definitely why we have performed one for the two fishes.' Then after that Teah then says 'Ac. I didn't just mean to interrupt but this juice is pee.' Then after that Ac then says 'Yeah well, it is Teah. Really it is. Teah. Teah. Then after that Ac then says 'Well, thanks for coming out everyone. And enjoy the dance.' And then he ends the episode the same way Corey Riffin does in Grojband.

13. Originally, the credits were like this. Jumbo Shrimp says 'Oh my god. Is that a Head Box Extreme Game Helmet.' and Angela says 'Yes it is.' and they start falling in love. And then it shows Steve Jackson still stuck in the cupboard when then Clamantha suddenly pushes the chairs away and she opens the door. Steve Jackson thinks Clamantha is going to let him out but instead of letting Steve Jackson go, Clamantha suddenly then goes into the cupboard and she shuts the door behind her. However in the Avatar World episode, the animators deleted the entire scene and they replaced the cupboard and Clamantha with a picture slideshow for the Fish Prom special. First it shows Bea and Oscar continuing dancing, And then it shows a cake and then Beezy stares at it, And then it shows Brandon Bubbler dancing with Nicole, Then it shows the Jimmy and Heloise looking at each other together, and finally it ends the episode with only a picture that shows the Bea and Oscar sharing a special kiss.

The only characters that didn't wear their prom outfits were Ac and Teah, Jimmy, Beezy, Heloise, Tag, Norrie, Roly, Happy, Betty, Amanda and Flockwood.

Characters in the cast shot:

Fish Prom cast shot.png
  • Koi
  • Finberley
  • Albert Glass
  • Student Council
  • Esmargot
  • Bo Gregory
  • Hugh Edmondson
  • Steve Jackson
  • Bea Goldfishberg
  • Milo
  • Oscar
  • Freshwater High Marching Band member
  • Jumbo Shrimp
  • Shellsea
  • Punt
  • Blanda
  • Dan Chovie
  • Ann Chovie
  • Nicole
  • 17 background characters

Voice Credits[edit | edit source]

Dave Cordell Holmes

Veronique Holmes

Jan Treverton Chambers

Mellie Smith

John Sparkes

Richard Ridings

Morwenna Banks

Meg Hall

Miklos Perlus

Christian Potenza

Denise Oliver

Stephanie Anne Mills

Frances White

David Graham

Morgan Gayle

Daniel Myers

Stanley Nickless

Jadon Mills

Sian Taylor

Will Bhenja

Julia Moss

Jonny Butler

Nancy Cartwright

Yeardley Smith

Cory Doran

Brian Froud

Tabitha St Germain

Justin Roiland

Chelsea Kane

Kyle Massey

Alfie Sanderson

Poppie Boyes

Leo Templer

Duke Davis

Jasmine Bartholomew

Shomoy James Mitchell

John Elizabeth Crowell

Thomas Cowell

Richie Vegas Myers

Craig Lundie Brown

Sander Jones

Arabella Duffy

Karan Brar

Joshua Rush

Dexter Varrall

Forrest Davis

Christian J Simon

Jesse Eisenberg

Anne Hathaway

Michael Cera

Keke Palmer


Christian Chessell

Tim Fehrenbach

Karen Ullman

Nick Gibson


Eamonn O Neill

Bianca Assad

Mark Cordell Holmes

Tim Dowling

Carol Nolan

Chris O Hara

Monica Kennedy

Stephen Mcgann

Jacques Gauthier

Darren Vandenburg

Allan Plenderleith

Ray Woods

John O Sullivan

Mick O Sullivan

Aine Mcguiness

Jamie Teehan

Amandine Pecharman

Stephen Kelly

Cath Llyod

Nick Wade

Daniel Clermoont

Melanie Daiglie

Kirk Jorgensen

Patrick Knight

Kyu Bum Lee

James O Connor

Shawn Pascuttini

Andy Zeng

Aiden Glynn

Everett Newell

Gareth Davies

Robin Deller

Stuart Allen

Andrew Dawson

Luke Robinson

Chris Parlour

Hilarie Searle

Tim Searle


James Butler

Trevor Phillips


Aurelie Charbonnier

Amandine Pecharman

Jacques Gauthier

Darren Vandenberg

Paul Stone

Isabel Castellano

Miklos Weigert

Louis Delataille


Isabel Ridage


Andy Blazdell Simon Lipowicz


Martyn Jones

Phillipa Leathers

Barry Baker

Aurelie Charbonnier

Mark Francis

Matthew Hood

Arnfinn Moseng

Ryan Wall

Martin Oliver

James O Shea

Inna Phillimore


Siobhan Mcguire


Nick Sargeant

Elaine Thomas

Mark Cordell Holmes

Robbie Sims

Chara Sottou

Jay Tsang

Alessio Nitti

Sam Williams

Tom Price


Elena Panova

Rachel Chalk

Alexandre Cote

Chris Macdonald

Daniella Demysh

Manu Roig

Alistar Douglas

Sarah Roper

Mark Baker


Suk Baker


Siobhan Mcguire

Greg Calvert


Taig McNab


Zoe Luff


Neville Astley

Mark Baker

Phil Hall

Daniel Mcgaughey

Sam Morrison

Chris Parker


Hans Zimmer

John Powell


Gavin Courtie

Liz Radford


Michael Giacchino


Phil Davies


Dave Cordell Holmes

Veronique Holmes


Keke Palmer

Michael Cera


Super Sonics Productions Inc


Jake Roberts

Barnaby Templer


Jm Finch

Jason Shurmer

Marty O Brein


Christopher Swaine


Richard Segal


Dave Peacock

Dominic Boucher


Eva Bognar

Katherine Tasker


Amanda Broomfield

Arabella Lautherbach


George Cashell


Thomas Beattie

Rebecca Hastings

Eva Paczolay

Glenn Whiting


Michael Bay

Chad Oman

Jonathan Hensleigh

Michael Dougherty

Dan Harris


Alexi Wheeler

Gemma Church


Joris Van Hulzen


Phil Davies


Neville Astley

Mark Baker


An Astley Baker Davies/Mercury Filmworks production in association with

Teletoon Original Production, Neptoon Studios,

Fresh TV and Fremantle Media International

Astley Baker Davies/Mercury Filmworks,

Teletoon Original Production, Neptoon Studios,

Fresh TV and Fremantle Media International 2025


Michael Roberts

Daisy Rudd

Hazel Rudd

Harrison Oldroyd

George Woolford

Celily Bloom

Oliver May

Alice May

Abigail Daniels

Zoe Baker

Francesca Capaldi

Alex Hirsch

Rachel Dratch

Kimberley Mooney

Steven Christopher Parker

Atticus Shaffer

John Dimaggio

Laura Ortiz

Kari Whalgren

Andrew Franks

Elisabeth Hadley

Sade Smith

Henry Harrison

Meesha Contreras

Charlie Zeltzer

Rebecca Bloom

Minnie Kennedy Parr

Anyastassia Melehes

Boris Kutnevich

Goofs[edit | edit source]

  • When Milo says "It's in the bag, so bring your swag, and have the best night ever!", a bit of the dialogue does not match his mouth's movements.
  • When Bea yells to Coach Salmons that she's got cramp, her P.E. shirt has disappeared.

External links[edit | edit source]

Season 2 (iTunes volumes 3 and 4)
Bea's Commercial | Hairanoid | Adventures in Fish-Sitting | Banned Band | Merry Fishmas, Milo | Milo on the Lam | Break Up Shake Down | Just One of the Fish | Rock Lobster Yeti | Spoiler Alert | Bea Dates Milo | Oscar's Secret Admirer | Sixteen Clamandles | Send Me an Angel Fish | Science Fair Detective Mystery | Guys' Night Out | Bea Sneaks Out | Busy Bea: Rise of the Machines | So-fish-ticated | Milo and Oscar Move In | Oscar is a Playa | Little Fish Sunshine | All Fins on Deck | Cattlefish, Ho! | Brothers' Day | Unfinished Doll Business | Milo's Magical Shake | Spiders Bite | Principal Bea | Fish at Work | Chicks Dig Vampires | Fish Lips Sink Ships | Fuddy Duddy Study Buddy | Fish Flakes | Bea's Birthday Surprise | Get a Yob! | Super Extreme Grandma Games to the Max | Koi Story | See Bea Ski | Night at the Loxbury
Fish Prom | Crawdaddy Knows Best | World's Greatest Grandma