Chicks Dig Vampires

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"Unfinished Doll Business"
"Chicks Dig Vampires"
"Fish Lips Sink Ships"
"Halloween Haul"
Halloween episodes
"Chicks Dig Vampires"
Chicks Dig Vampires.png
Season: 2
Production code: 216b
Broadcast number: 72
Story by:
Maxwell Atoms
Neil Graf
C.H. Greenblatt
William Reiss
Written & Storyboarded by:
Neil Graf
Directed by:
C.H. Greenblatt
William Reiss
Broadcast Information
Disney Channel premiere:
October 5, 2012
Disney Channel (UK) premiere:

Albert has a crush on Esmargot and comes up with a plan to act and live like a vampire to win her affections. Unbeknownst to Albert however, Esmargot is a secret vampire slayer set out to rid the world of all vampires.

Episode Summary[edit | edit source]

Credits[edit | edit source]

Mouse texts Snake a message, and she replies back. Mouse replies back to Snake, and this goes on. At the end Mouse exclaims "I know, right!".

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Click here to view more images from Chicks Dig Vampires.
The image gallery for Chicks Dig Vampires may be viewed here.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

Voice Credits[edit | edit source]

Chelsea Kane as Bea
Kyle Massey as Milo
Justin Roiland as Oscar
Rachel Dratch as Esmargot & Koi
Alex Hirsch as Clamantha
Kevin McDonald as Dr. Frog
Kimberley Mooney as Finberley
Steven Christopher Parker as Jumbo Shrimp
Justin Roiland as Waiter
Atticus Shaffer as Albert Glass
Richard Simmons as Coach Salmons
Dana Snyder as Bud & Mr. Baldwin
Kari Wahlgren as Shellsea

Goofs[edit | edit source]

  • Esmargot and Albert are not wearing watersuits when Esmargot pushes Albert's 'coffin' out of Bud's Pets.

External links[edit | edit source]

Season 2 (iTunes volumes 3 and 4)
Bea's Commercial | Hairanoid | Adventures in Fish-Sitting | Banned Band | Merry Fishmas, Milo | Milo on the Lam | Break Up Shake Down | Just One of the Fish | Rock Lobster Yeti | Spoiler Alert | Bea Dates Milo | Oscar's Secret Admirer | Sixteen Clamandles | Send Me an Angel Fish | Science Fair Detective Mystery | Guys' Night Out | Bea Sneaks Out | Busy Bea: Rise of the Machines | So-fish-ticated | Milo and Oscar Move In | Oscar is a Playa | Little Fish Sunshine | All Fins on Deck | Cattlefish, Ho! | Brothers' Day | Unfinished Doll Business | Milo's Magical Shake | Spiders Bite | Principal Bea | Fish at Work | Chicks Dig Vampires | Fish Lips Sink Ships | Fuddy Duddy Study Buddy | Fish Flakes | Bea's Birthday Surprise | Get a Yob! | Super Extreme Grandma Games to the Max | Koi Story | See Bea Ski | Night at the Loxbury
Fish Prom | Crawdaddy Knows Best | World's Greatest Grandma